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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tough Shower Mold

Dr. Hooper here. Is your shower lacking luster? Well, I live in an apartment that was built in 1972. Needless to say, there are surprises around every corner. I have discovered a miracle concoction that is more potent than bleach, but much safer.

Prescription #1: Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Now, I'm no chemist, in fact, I'm not real doctor, but if I'm correct, the chemical properties of H
and NaHCO3
ahh I got nothing. It's just makes a really good cleaner.

I have this reoccurring mold that forms on the caulking in the bathtub. If it was my own home, I'd rip out the tile, clean everything out, re-tile, and re-caulk. But, since I'm hoping to move somewhere a bit more updated in the future, I just keep taming the beast. Besides, the bathtub and tiles are painted. Yeah, you heard me. Painted. Maintenance can deal it with later.
Step 1: Take some baking soda and add a little peroxide to make a viscous paste. I used my daughter's toothbrush to mix it. She'll never know.
Step 2: Apply it to the mold and let it sit for at least 3 hours.
I had to scrub it even after I wiped it off with a rag. It must be in there really good. Anyway, it looks a lot better. Peroxide is more effective on mold than bleach because it completely denatures it. You can use this same recipe for mattress stains. Just make it into a spray and add a drop of Dawn dish soap. It'll make your mattress white as snow. It's great if you have a little toddler who drinks too much water at night. If this concoction doesn't work for your mold, try letting it sit overnight. Dr. Hooper wants you to have white mattresses and mold-free showers.

*Disclaimer: I ended up spraying my shower down with bleach anyway, to get rid of the stains. See, the peroxide is good at denaturing the mold, and the bleach gets rid of the stain.

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